Current Problems of Psychiatry

Trace elements concentrations in drinking water – is there a risk for neurological or psychiatric disorders?


Curr Probl Psychiatry 2023; 24, 218-245

DOI: 10.12923/2353-8627/2023-0022

© 2023 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonComercial-No Derivs licence (

Jacek Januszewski1 , Alicja Forma2 , Ryszard Sitarz3 , Joanna Kobak2 ,
Magdalena Tyczyńska2 , Julita Zembala4 , Grzegorz Buszewicz5 ,
Grzegorz Teresiński5 , Agnieszka Markiewicz-Gospodarek6 , Jacek Baj6 

1 Student Reaserch Group, Department of Human Anatomy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

2 Student Reaserch Group, Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

3 Chair and I Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Early Intervention, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

4 University Clinical Center, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

5 Chair and Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

6 Department of Human Anatomy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

Full Text


Introduction: Drinking water contaminated with heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury, chromium, zinc, lead, etc. is becoming a major health concern. Some trace elements have been linked to neurotoxic effects and an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, although there is still an area for further investigations on how they may affect neurological and psychiatric illnesses. It is widely acknowledged that the generation of reactive oxygen species causes oxidative damage and other detrimental health effects, and is the main mechanism underlying heavy metal-induced toxicity in contaminated drinking water.

The aim: The main objective of this narrative review was to summarize the current knowledge regarding the concentrations of chosen trace elements in drinking water and their possible relationship with neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Material and method: The available literature was reviewed using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Sciences platforms. The analysis included both reviews and original studies.

Discussion: Some elements such as aluminum, arsenic, lithium, or nickel have been suggested to be risk factors for psychoneurological disorders. Further, studies suggest that some neurobehavioral disorders might be due to the collective action of metals in drinking water.


Keywords: trace elements; drinking water; contamination; neurological disorder; psychiatric disorder

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